How to execute seemingly hard things with ease

3 min readDec 28, 2021

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step, how easy is the first step?

Photo by ABDALLA M on Unsplash

I despise doing house chores. I’d rather spend my time doing something else than doing house chores. I used to defend my laziness by stating that doing chores was a waste of time since I could be doing something more valuable with the same amount of time. However, essential tasks don’t have to be productive but can create an environment that promotes productivity. Even if essentialism isn’t directly advantageous to productivity, it may have an effect on total output. Time spent cleaning up your workspace, for example, does not increase productivity, but the impact of a clean and uncluttered workplace fosters a clear mind.

For a long time, I’ve been able to postpone doing chores. Even though I’ve had the wonderful fortune to have others do it for me, the consequence of my laziness with housework wasn’t obvious until it got too much for my wife to handle. We’ve had several disagreements as a result of this, 90% of which are the result of my inability to assist with tasks. Given that my wife has a lot on her plate and she is the primary caregiver for our toddler, the least I could do was help her with the responsibilities when she is unable to.

Everything began to point in the direction of a choice. Doing what appears to be impossible…




I make product that people love @Talabat. Previously @Interswitch. Trying my hand at painting